Half-Hour Shooter 2 Commentary

So back in 2018 I was really into Blackthornprod's YouTube videos - and in one of them he suggested making a bunch of games in only half an hour to train your skills. I never go into the idea, but I tried it once, and this came out of it! I had originally intended it to be a shooter game - hence "Half-Hour Shooter" - but I didn't get the chance to build anything except the movement mechanics and the enemies.

Version 1 is the original build, which is everything I managed to build in the half-hour.

Version 2 is a slightly larger version where I created an open world with free camera movement, some particle effects, and a counter for the number of enemies. I was kinda just messing around and adding extra stuff, and eventually you give up once the enemy count gets too high and the game begins to slow down horribly.

The most fun quirk of this is that I forgot to normalise the movement, so your maximum speed is faster when moving diagonally! Have fun!


Half-Hour Shooter 2.zip 14 MB
Oct 09, 2018

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